The Undoing: The Knock

“I’ve been trying to get your attention…Your attention leads to Me having your heart and this is My deepest desire. While I desire your attention and your heart, I also desire your eyes, your ears, and your mind. Out of these things flow life and death. Most importantly, I desire you. You’ve been living in the midst of a battle. A battle that fights for and against you. Most of My beloved believe this war is between the enemy and Myself, but he is not omnipresent, meaning he cannot be everywhere at once. He is only a percentage of the battle, the rest lies in who you see when you look in the mirror versus who I see when I look at you.

Deanna Lorea
5 min readSep 22, 2022

There have been moments in life where you felt everything was crashing down on you. There have also been moments in life where you felt you were soaring. In both seasons, I have been watching over you nudging you to Me through pain, people, and even passion. You see, I have a space in My heart that only you can fill. A song that can only be sung by you. You will never understand the gravity at which I love you, but you soon will see to what depths I have gone and will go for you.

I want to wake you from the sleep you’ve been living in. There has been a still small voice in the back of your mind telling you this can’t be all life is about. I’ve watched you in your quiet time when you feared silence subconsciously contemplating why you are here. Some days you haven’t wanted to be here and I’ve seen that too. Your being is precious to Me and My heart joys in unfolding through you what I see in you. This is the disconnect you’ve been encountering. The battle you’re living in is already won but I want to walk with you through it and that is why you’re reading this now. I want to wake you up to what it means to live in freedom. I want to open your eyes to the powers that you walk in daily without knowing. I want to free your soul from the bondage of pain you unknowingly cling to. I want to turn your experience into miracles and wonders, but before all that I want for you…I just want you.

You have seen false glimpses of Me through churches, people who call themselves followers, and distorted views of unbelievers. This pains my heart because I am not accepted for who I truly am, rather a man-made version of who they understand Me to be. I want to show you who I really am. I want you to encounter Me through a deep relationship with you. You will see that My love overshadows any judgment you’ve heard about. You will see that I care more about your heart than what you look like or what you wear. You will see that every emotion you’ve experienced, I’ve shared them with you. You will see that I am mercy, compassion, grace and faithfulness, not a God who sits on a throne keeping track of every “wrong” thing you’ve done. You will see how much anguish it brings Me when you cry, and that I am not distant and unconcerned about the trivial things of your life. You will see that there is nothing you can do to be outside of My love. There is no place you can go that is outside of My grace, and no mercy I can’t extend for the darkest of actions. You will realize that My Word requires a certain path in life, and you will never live up to the commands people have placed on you to reach My perfection because you do not have to and even still I find you so lovely when you try to be perfect and stumble. You weren’t meant to get it all right every time, this is part of why I desire you. I desire a relationship with you for so many reasons, one of which is so that you see where your capabilities end, My power begins and I will show you things you never thought possible on this side of heaven.

I desire to show you My heart, and what flows from My heart is the love I have for you. The love I have for you allows you to be free in the person I see you as. The person I see in you is who you really are and this person, I want to introduce to you. You are already in there, but My love will free you from what plagues your heart, mind, and soul. My love will reveal your true identity. I am knocking on your door. Revelation 3:20, Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

I have used past pain, experience with abandonment, seemingly failures, unfulfilled relationships, sleepless nights, disappointments, and searching with a means to no end to get you to notice that nothing, and I mean nothing, will fulfill you like abiding in My love. I have gone to the ends of the earth to have you, but will never force Myself on you. You see, love isn’t love if it is forced. It must be accepted and freely given with nothing to gain in return, and though you think you have to accomplish a list from A-Z to be worthy of My love, all that is really required is acceptance of the love I want to show you. You are already worthy of the depth of this love you’ve yet to experience deeply. What I will show you will overflow your heart, flood your soul, and still you will desire width and depth. It is the kind of love that satisfies your every need.

In my misrepresentation, you have heard that I created you to do nothing but worship me and obey ridiculous man-made laws, but I have come to dismantle the rule books. I have come to disrupt religion and showcase My heart for people. After all, My love was the ultimate sacrifice so that I could be with you forever. This is the love that I want to show you. In learning Me, you will see what you are truly capable of, what blossoms inside you, and just how necessary you are to My heart. All I want is your yes and your heart”.



Deanna Lorea
Deanna Lorea

Written by Deanna Lorea

Simply a messenger. Hoping for true rest in your heart through my words.

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