Powerless or Powerful?
I’m experiencing their power and their powerlessness. I would say I was given the opportunity over this weekend, to put this specifically to the test. When words are spoken, especially over someone you love, and they are not life-giving, typically the immediate response is to become offended (and prepare for battle, because someone is going to get cut a few times, and by someone I mean them. They will get cut). By doing this we take on responsibility for what was said and our actions are usually followed by ill emotion.
I have always been taught that “your words have power”, my parents, teachers, mentors, quoted this phrase more times than I can count. And there is truth to this statement, however this weeks’ event led me to believe there is more to the statement than meets the ear.
When someone says, “your words have power”, they are speaking to the ABILITY that your words possess, but even deeper, I find it’s my ability or responsibility to give those words MEANING. If you look up any word, it has a definition. You could say the word is fact by its definition, but the meaning or the meaning we give it….this is where the power lies. We have the ability to allow words spoken to us, over us, and to ourselves to have meaning. This is where the power lies.
I realized over the weekend that the ill words that were placed in the atmosphere only came to life when I gave them life and meaning, otherwise, they are simply words with definitions attached. What we don’t realize is that the power of the words are IN the receiving of the words. Whoever is on the receiving end has a choice to determine if those words have life or death in them. What’s interesting is that the person who intended the words that they spoke to possess death in them, don’t also get to decide that they are death giving words. The receiver does if they choose to believe and give meaning to those words, and this is where we hold the power.
(That’s how I know I’m growing because usually, when someone says ill words, I begin preparing for battle. The only option now is for them to get cut a few times).
The same is true for affirmations. Look at the way we affirm ourselves; “I am courageous.” The word courageous is simply a word with a definition. We give it life and meaning with our thoughts and our actions after the word is spoken. If we believe we are courageous and begin responding to life courageously, then the word was given life and meaning. If we continue responding in life with fear and doubt as our foundation, the word courageous is merely a word with a definition, thus the affirmation has no power, we have to believe what we speak and ACT.
You get to decide what words have life and what words are merely words. The next time someone speaks ill towards you, realize what they intended to destroy you with, stops with them. They are just words. At the same time realize, the affirmations you speak are just words unless you breathe life into them.
Your words, others words, have power WHEN we BELIEVE them and take action in life on them. The power is in believing the words, giving meaning to the words, and receiving the words. This all begins with you, no matter what other factors are involved.
Genesis 50:20 “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives”.