No Copy of Your Copyrights

Deanna Lorea
4 min readMar 11, 2022


If you happen to be reading this, it is by no mistake that you were brought here specifically for this time in your life. God is asking you to stop running, be still. The discord, the chaos, the anxiousness you feel in your life right now is not because you are behind in life. You shouldn’t have been doing something else. You don’t need to be married already. You don’t need to have had three children by now. You don’t need to be in a relationship already. You don’t need to have graduated by now.

You are here because you need to be here right now. Inside of the chaos. Inside of the hurt. Inside of the pain. Inside of the discomfort. Inside of the emptiness. Everything you are and everything you have experienced has brought you to this moment. The consciousness of this moment.

He wants you to stop running. He wants you to stop looking for an exit. He wants you to be still. Stop moving. Stop leaving. Stop trying to figure it out on your own will and breathe. For so long it seems like your efforts and energy continue to lead you to unfulfillment and He is speaking something to you through your seemingly failures. They are not failures, they have been redirecting you to Him.

One of the reasons why you are repulsed by His presence is not because of the truth of His presence, but because He has been misrepresented to you. Someone or an experience in life made you feel like He sits on a throne and holds a pass or fail checklist then condemns you to hell if you did not pass. Something made you feel like He spends His time judging you as another number in a sea of numbers instead of loving you in acceptance, As You Are. Something made you feel like He looks down on you instead of living within you. Someone who claimed to follow Him pushed you away when in fact you needed more comfort and compassion during a rough moment in life. You’ve seen Him explained through others eyes and actions and not directly from the Source. You’ve experienced watered down versions of Him through what you have seen from others, generationally and racially. Religion has made you feel unaccepted As You Are, even though He created you specifically and uniquely. Something made you feel like if you don’t DO something, you can’t BE someone. Something made you feel that when you messed up once, that was the end for you. Something made you think that He is inaccessible, but He is woven through your DNA. Something made you feel like you’re too far gone, when He is actually closer than He’s ever been.

Something or someone made you believe He isn’t what He is.

He is speaking to you, have you seen who I am for you? I am misrepresented. I will not be to you, what you have seen from and in other humans. People are imperfect. We claim spirituality to be one way, create belief systems, judge people while our secret sin is equivalent, but that is not who He is. What you have experienced in life does not encompass Me, it has limited Me in your mind.

Your relationship with Him will not be like it was for them. There is nothing to copy. Hebrews 8 speaks of the new covenant or new relationship He wants with us. Verse 10 says, I will put my laws in their minds, and write them on their hearts. Unpack this. I will put my word in their minds and in their hearts. That is specific. If He wants to put a relationship with you in your heart and mind, it cannot possibly be the same for two people. We are all different and have experienced life through a specific lens. What He wants with you will not be a copy of what you have seen or heard from anyone or anything else. It will be specific. It will be precise. It will be custom made because He will put it in your mind and in your heart.

I cannot reside in your mind because I have my own, thus my relationship, my path with Him, will not and cannot be and look like yours. How unique. How beautiful. How specific. Yet we judge one another’s spiritual lives based on everyone doing or not doing, being or not being the same. We can’t possibly copy what we have seen before. It was never ours to copy. It was never yours to deny because it was not yours.

Let Him define your copyrights, and see who He is for you.

Verse 11 says No longer will they teach their neighbor or say to one another, Know the Lord, because they will all know me.

I believe He is speaking to you, Don’t look to your neighbor to know me, don’t look to your past to know me, don’t look to someone else’s voice to know me, don’t look to someone’s biased experience to know me, lean in and I will be right there, but it will be who I can be to and for you. Our relationship will be unique and it will match nothing you have seen before. There will be nothing to copy.

You look elsewhere because He has been misrepresented. If He is that, then He can’t be this. A box we limit Him to. You own copyrights. Release what you think you knew of Him, what you have seen from others, or what you thought He was.

See what He is for you.



Deanna Lorea
Deanna Lorea

Written by Deanna Lorea

Simply a messenger. Hoping for true rest in your heart through my words.

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