Nature v. Culture
On Daily Active Living.
I’m constantly being pulled to this topic via podcasts, books, my own thoughts, others words of wisdom, etc.
Questioning my actions, I’ve learned, can be one of the healthiest things that I do. There will always be cultural pressures. It’s never been about the existence of them, rather what we do with them.
Sometimes I find myself functioning robotically or working towards something my true nature doesn’t really care about. When I’m in this state of function, I’m participating in culture rather than my true sense of self, and am being led astray from my nature. Your nature will be different from mine. Your nature cares about what sets your soul on fire, regardless of how society feels about it. Your nature always brings you peace of heart and mind. Your nature keeps you grounded in chaos.
Questioning what you do or why you do what you do (actions, behaviors, thoughts) can be a scary place, you might begin to feel like “who am I” without these things that I’ve been immersed in for years, but that’s the start of unwrapping your true nature. She’s in there underneath layers of external pressures. That uncomfortable feeling of learning yourself again is such a sweet spot. It’s then that we begin to embark on our path. Not one that has been crafted by everything outside of us. It is crafted by everything within us; our spirit, and the Holy Spirit craft our integrity.
Whatever you do or choose to put your time into in life, ask yourself, “does this make me feel connected to my true self/my integrity? Or does this go against what my soul desires out of life.
You’ll start to see that what’s popular by society means much less to you than you thought and your life desires will begin to surface, but first you have to be willing to ask. Get uncomfortable with the way you’ve been living and ask the hard questions.
They will reveal your truth so you can begin living a life that is full of purpose,